Looking for a way to beat holiday weight gain? If so then stay tuned because I have just the thing for you but first let me ask you if this sounds familiar. Imagine for a moment that you find yourself sitting down at the holiday meal table surrounded by friends and family having just tasted some of the best turkey you’ve had in a while. You’re thinking to yourself whether or not you should go back for another helping or just relax in the knowledge that the meal you just experienced was absolutely delicious. What do you do? Well, if you’re anything like a good majority of people out there chances are pretty high that you’ll find some way to rationalize the thought of having at least one more serving of turkey, mash potatoes, and gravy with a side of fresh cranberry sauce. You’ll work it off later right? I mean that’s why you’re working so hard at the gym… to be able to take a few liberties every now and then. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not advocating the process of stuffing yourself into a turkey induced coma but at the same time I know (from personal experience) that it can be pretty tough to say no to the pumpkin and pecan pies…
Beat the Holiday Weight Gain & Feel Great Doing It!
Lucky for you
Total Life Changes has some pretty amazing products that you can use to beat the holiday weight gain blues and actually feel pretty fantastic doing it!

One of our flagship products it the original
Iaso Tea Detox which is designed to rid the body of harmful toxins and parasites. Benefits may include the following: - Improved regularity and relief from constipation - Improved overall digestion and absorption of nutrients - Measurable weight loss within 5 days - Sustained weight loss with continued use - Improved sustainable energy - Improved mental clarity and memory as toxins are flushed from your intestines The success stories that have been generated by TLC Members and Customers as a result of our Iaso Tea have been pretty breathtaking. Another product that you might like to use in slimming down is our
Iaso Slim PM. What’s really Next Level about this product is that it actually empowers you to
lose weight while you sleep!! Seriously… how cool is that? Not only are you going to get some of the best night’s sleep in your life but that’s not all. TLC decided to add components that would assist in fat burning while you sleep. Now that is a breakthrough, because most fat

burning products increase metabolic rate, and that’s not good if you’re trying to sleep! To burn fat and sustain it requires your body to be in the right state for fat burning. Iaso® SlimPM also has the ability to assist in balancing out the Leptin levels in your body. There you have it.. a solid 1-2 combo punch to not only knock out that holiday weight gain but also empower you to look and feel your best throughout the year.

Got questions? Feel free to give me a ring direct or reach out on Facebook. John "Blaze" Chatman TLC Executive Director (209) 808-9063
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How to Beat Holiday Weight Gain! Don’t Be a Stuffed Turkey… http://totallifechangesreviewed.com/how-to-beat-holiday-weight-gain-dont-be-a-stuffed-turkey/
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